这是一个可以方便地获取当前外汇汇率的 VBA 函数,通过爬取网站上的外汇汇率获得。你可以直接在 Excel 单元格中插入短代码【=GetExchangeRate("待转化币种符号","转化为币种符号")】轻松获取当前外汇汇率,比如 =GetExchangeRate("USD","CNY") 。也可以在 VBA 代码中直接调用该函数获取当前汇率,比如 Call GetExchangeRate("USD","CNY") 。
' 获取当前汇率 Function GetExchangeRate(ex As String, cur As String) '参数为空时,默认返回美元对人民币的汇率 If ex = "" Then ex = "USD" Else ex = ex If cur = "" Then cur = "CNY" Else cur = cur ' 定义变量 Dim URL, oHttp, responseText, result, exchangeRate As String ' 爬取网站数据 URL = "https://qq.ip138.com/hl.asp?from=" & ex & "&to=" & cur & "&q=100" Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") With oHttp .Open "GET", URL, False .send responseText = .responseText End With ' 截取当前汇率 result = Split(Split(Split(responseText, "<p>按当前汇率兑换结果</p>")(1), "<td>")(5), "p>")(1) exchangeRate = Left(result, 8) GetExchangeRate = exchangeRate End Function