前一篇 WordPress学习——wp_register_script()详解 说的是 WordPress 如何注册一个脚本。与之对应,这里的 wp_deregister_script() 则是用于移除注册的脚本的。不过出于安全考虑,一些 WordPress 核心的脚本是不允许使用该函数移除的。该函数的语法是:
wp_deregister_script( string $handle )
该函数同样定义在 wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php 文件中,具体代码如下:
function wp_deregister_script( $handle ) { _wp_scripts_maybe_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__ ); /** * Do not allow accidental or negligent de-registering of critical scripts in the admin. * Show minimal remorse if the correct hook is used. */ $current_filter = current_filter(); if ( ( is_admin() && 'admin_enqueue_scripts' !== $current_filter ) || ( 'wp-login.php' === $GLOBALS['pagenow'] && 'login_enqueue_scripts' !== $current_filter ) ) { $no = array( 'jquery', 'jquery-core', 'jquery-migrate', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-accordion', 'jquery-ui-autocomplete', 'jquery-ui-button', 'jquery-ui-datepicker', 'jquery-ui-dialog', 'jquery-ui-draggable', 'jquery-ui-droppable', 'jquery-ui-menu', 'jquery-ui-mouse', 'jquery-ui-position', 'jquery-ui-progressbar', 'jquery-ui-resizable', 'jquery-ui-selectable', 'jquery-ui-slider', 'jquery-ui-sortable', 'jquery-ui-spinner', 'jquery-ui-tabs', 'jquery-ui-tooltip', 'jquery-ui-widget', 'underscore', 'backbone', ); if ( in_array( $handle, $no ) ) { $message = sprintf( /* translators: 1: script name, 2: wp_enqueue_scripts */ __( 'Do not deregister the %1$s script in the administration area. To target the front-end theme, use the %2$s hook.' ), "<code>$handle</code>", '<code>wp_enqueue_scripts</code>' ); _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, $message, '3.6.0' ); return; } } wp_scripts()->remove( $handle ); }
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